Remembrance | St Peter's Great Berkhamsted

The Church of St Peter Great Berkhamsted


Every year in November, our community gathers to remember before God those who have died for their country in the two world wars and the many conflicts of the years that have followed.

The names of the fallen are inscribed on the Town War Memorial outside St Peter’s Church, and also on a wall monument inside the church. Many who fell lie buried abroad, but those who died at home as a result of war are commemorated on the Garden of Remembrance War Memorial in Rectory Lane Cemetery. Outside the town, the Inns of Court War Memorial honours the trainees who passed through Berkhamsted in 1916-18.

  • Armistice Day is on 11 November, marking the end of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I in 1918. If it does not fall on a Sunday, it is usually marked by a short ceremony at the Town War Memorial at 11am.
  • Remembrance Sunday is the closest Sunday to Armistice Day. The day is usually marked with a parade led by the Royal British Legion, followed by a civic service in St Peter’s Church.

Past Events

Sung Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday
10 November 2024

Sung Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday

Everyone is welcome to our Sunday morning act of worship, as we pray for peace throughout the world
A Short Act of Remembrance (Cemetery)
10 November 2024

A Short Act of Remembrance (Cemetery)

We gather in the Garden of Remembrance War Memorial in Rectory Lane Cemetery before 11am on Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday Parade
10 November 2024

Remembrance Sunday Parade

The Royal British Legion's annual parade down Berkhamsted High Street and sounding of the Last Post at the Town War Memorial
Royal British Legion Remembrance Service
10 November 2024

Royal British Legion Remembrance Service

A service on Remembrance Sunday in St Peter's to remember the fallen and to pray for the world's conflicts

A Short Act of Remembrance (High St.)
11 November 2024

A Short Act of Remembrance (High St.)

A short ceremony to mark Armistice Day at the Town War Memorial outside St Peter's

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