Gift Aid | St Peter's Great Berkhamsted

The Church of St Peter Great Berkhamsted

Gift Aid

Do you pay income tax?

If you are a UK taxpayer you could be eligible to add Gift Aid to your donation. For every pound you give us, we get an extra 25 pence from HM Revenue & Customs, and it doesn’t cost you any more.


£1 + GiftAid equals £1.25

This means that every £100 we receive can be turned into £125 – imagine what a difference that could make!

Please use Gift Aid every time you give to St Peter’s and help us to make a difference.


How to Gift Aid your donation

Gift Aid is very simple - depending on how you make your donation, you just need to fill in some extra information.

pound coins
Online donations

Make sure you fill in the Gift Aid declaration on the myDonate online form.

Make an online donation 

Planned Giving

When you sign up for Planned Giving, it includes a short Gift Aid declaration form.

Start monthly donations 

collection plate
Collection Plate

We provide Gift Aid envelopes in church. Put cash or a cheque into the envelope and fill in your name and address on the outside.




photo of Richard Hackworth

Richard Hackworth

Licensed Lay Reader and All Saints Representative