Volunteer | St Peter's Great Berkhamsted

The Church of St Peter Great Berkhamsted


The work we do in St Peter’s depends on people volunteering their time and skills. We need your help to keep this work going! Everyone has different talents — what can you do?

Maybe you are good at running events or baking cakes? Perhaps you are a musician, a designer or a musician? Could you help with cleaning the church or repairing things?

Offering your time and skills as a gift to the church is a rewarding way of contributing to the Berkhamsted community and expressing your faith. Even if you can only help out occasionally, an extra pair of hands is always welcome.

Below are a few ideas where you could volunteer – it doesn’t cover absolutely everything we do in the parish. If you feel you have a particular talent or would like to introduce something new to St Peter’s, have a chat with one of the clergy or churchwardens, or speak to the Parish Office.


photo of Parish Office

Parish Office

 01442 878227