The Organ
The organ in St Peter’s church stands in the St John Chantry by the choir stalls. It is a striking modern instrument encased in English oak with colourful pipework, and plays a central role in the musical life of St Peter’s.
It was built by Peter Collins in 1986 at his former workshop in Redbourne, only eight miles from Berkhamsted. In 2007-2011 the organ underwent a major restoration programme, funded by the generosity of the members of St Peter’s and the people of Berkhamsted.
Unusually for an English instrument, the organ in St Peter’s also has a Zimbelstern (German for “cymbal star”) bell mechanism which was added in 2014.
The St Peter’s organ is a versatile instrument for the whole repertoire, whether accompanying the church choir and congregation in hymns, playing at weddings or funerals, or as a solo instrument in the frequent organ recitals held at St Peter’s.
It is an instrument for all our lives, and it speaks to us whether we are musicians or simply those who delight in listening.
Download the organ specification
Watch a video of the latest addition to the St Peter's organ, the Firshman-Zimbelstern: